A DUI Drill at the MHS 
Dear Parents/Guardians,

Our high school students had a presentation by our local OEM, Police, Fire and EMS. This presentation occurred in our parking lot this morning. We had a crashed car placed in the street with two students inside the car: one played the driver who had been drinking and another the passenger who was a victim of the crash. Our Police, EMS and Fire personal responded. They went through the activities they normally would during such an event had it been real. The driver was given a field sobriety test and taken into custody. The passenger was a fatality. The fire department then performed an extrication to take victims (they were dummies) out of the back seat to be transported to the hospital.

After the events were over, members of the Police Department and the Fire Chief spoke with the students about what they had witnessed. How a poor decision on one person's part could have such negative results. The legal ramifications for drunk driving were presented as well as the effects such a tragedy can have on friends and families.

Please take a moment to discuss the presentation with your child. I hope he/she found it educational.

A thank you to our local office of OEM, Police, Fire and EMS responders for donating their time as well as Al's Auto Body for donating the car. 

Thank you,
Dr. McCabe
Posted by pmccabe On 21 May, 2018 at 4:57 PM