Things To Do Senior Year

Review your transcript to make sure you have met all graduation requirements. *ask your counselor if you are not sure Register for the SAT or ACT again. If you score needs improving ask your counselor for test prep information Make a list of schools that you are interested in applying for admission. You can find online applications by a Google search of the school or the school’s website.

***Common App online can help you apply to more than one school Write a rough draft of your activity sheet. This is a list of all the sports, clubs, activities, awards, community service, part-time jobs and other talents from grades 9-12. Schedule an appointment with Mrs. Gina Martinez, Guidance Secretary during one of your electives or gym to complete a final copy of your activity sheet. Think of three individuals who might give you a recommendation letter. Ask politely and if they agree provide them with an activity sheet. At the end of the year, be sure to write a thank you for the letters. They are done out of kindness and should be something you formally thank. Review college essay topics and begin working on the essay for your application. Be sure to have an English Teacher review and proofread them for you. KNOW ALL DEADLINES!!! (each school has their own deadlines for applications and financial aid –These DEADLINES are not flexible. Begin applying to schools and have the goal of applying to your schools before Thanksgiving Break. Attend the Financial Aid evening workshop in September in the media center at 6:30 with your parent/guardian to learn how to complete the FAFSA (Free application for federal student aid) ***apply after October 1st. Complete your community service hours; document them, write your essay and submit them early. Do not wait till spring to complete this requirement

If you are certain that you are going to Middlesex County College. Ask for the test prep packet for the basic skills test. If you are applying to any of the Health Technology majors at MCC they have an earlier deadline. Apply by November 1st.