Monthly News!

Debate Topics that are educative, challenging and acceptable in our school is welcome from all members. Students that will debate will get to select and finalize each month's debate topic. 

We will kick start the Club October 11, 2019 and sign the pledge forms. The Club will meet twice each month to select the topic and to debate, preferably on the first and last Thursday/Friday of the month. We will not debate in December, January, April, and June due to recess-breaks and midterms-final exams. 

October Debate: Kickoff topic 

November debate: 
Should gun control be enforced?

February Debate: 
Should use of cell phones be encouraged in classrooms?

March/April Debate: 
Should prominent people voice their political opinions?

Debate : Close down topic : Could technology be a boon or a curse to high school students?