Class Info

Google Classroom Codes

Period 1+2: 5ivsjzn
Period 3+4: i7z6ml2
Period 7+8: t5xrzyt

English Language Arts


Syllabus 2023-2024 

Ms. Fox

[email protected]  

***This syllabus is tentative. Any changes made will be communicated to parents in a timely manner.

Course Description 

Language Arts integrates reading and writing with exploration of timely and worldly topics. This course prepares students for the reading and writing demands of the eighth grade curriculum, with an emphasis on engagement through thought-provoking questions, critical thinking, and whole class discussions. As a student becomes more advanced, task demand escalates to ensure that the student is appropriately challenged. The material will be presented in a manner that meets the needs of a diverse group of learners.

Course Expectations and Objectives

  • Students will develop reading habits that help them organize ideas and analyze the author’s choices.
  • Students will improve their critical thinking about challenging texts.
  • Students will develop strong writing abilities and use those writing skills to express their critical thinking.
  • Students will learn to participate in productive group discussions. 

Required Materials

  • ONE single subject composition or spiral bound notebook dedicated to this class
  • Pens/Pencils
  • CHARGED chromebook
  • Other recommended supplies:
    • Highlighters
    • Sticky notes 

Students will be provided with the texts for this class. They need to be prepared to take notes on and complete activities related to the text.

Absences / Make Up Work

  • If you are absent
    • Homework is due the day a student returns – see Google Classroom for work to complete when absent
    • Assessments must be scheduled to be made up within two days or a zero will be given. This is the student's responsibility
    • Check with a classmate for the notes, then see the teacher for anything you are still confused on
    • Worksheets/handouts distributed in class on the day of your absence will be in a designated area in class and/or provided in Google Classroom.
    • Check google classroom for any missed or posted assignments
  • Please note, I reserve the right to slightly modify make up assessments. If you are going to be absent for an assessment, please extend the courtesy of sending me an email so I have ample time to prepare an alternate assessment.


  • Students will be given plenty of opportunities to “show off” what they have learned. These assessments may include all of the following but not limited to: multiple choice, open-ended/essay, formal class discussions (socratic seminar, etc.), making visual aids, and/or oral interviews.
  • Students may correct most graded assessments for partial credit.

Academic Integrity

Violations of academic integrity, in any form, will not be tolerated. This includes giving/receiving assistance or cues in any format during a test or quiz, copying another student’s or author’s work and representing it as your own, or disturbing other students during testing. Talking of ANY KIND is considered a disruption and potential violation of academic integrity. I can assure you that you will be given very clear and concise instructions during exams and quizzes. ANY disruption of the testing environment will be cited as a violation and you will be issued a zero.

Test/Quiz Expectations includes all of the following:

  • Student is quiet
  • Desk and work area are free and clear of any subject material.
  • Maintaining a productive test/learning environment for the duration of the test:

    • Quiet, free from disturbance or distractions of ANY kind.
    • Students may not ask anything of their classmates during a written exam. 

**Any student observed talking, signaling, or looking on another student’s paper will receive a grade of “ZERO”**

Daily Procedures

You are expected to adhere to ALL of the following:

  • Complete a soft start activity of your choice upon arrival
  • Be in your assigned seat and ready to learn when the lesson begins
  • Take notes during the lesson
  • Participate in group work
  • Follow along in the text when reading
  • Ask for help when needed
  • Turn in all assignments in a timely manner
  • Ask before leaving your seat


    Bathroom Policy

    One student of each gender may use the bathroom at a time. You must ask before leaving the classroom, sign out, and take the hall pass. 

    • Be mindful of what is going on in class – try to leave during work time rather than during the lesson

    • If you abuse the bathroom pass policy, teacher may limit number of bathroom passes per quarter

    Cellphone Policy

    If I see your phone in class it will be confiscated.

    • First offense: confiscated until the end of the period

    • Second offense: confiscated until the end of the day

    • Third offense: contact parent

Chromebook Classroom Policy 

  • All students are to arrive with their Chromebooks and keep them closed until instructed by their teacher to open them.
  • If an issue develops with the Chromebooks, students are to notify the teacher of the issue and the teacher will then relay that issue to the IT department or administration.
  • If a student is caught using the Chromebook inappropriately, they are to refer to the handbook policy for inappropriate technology use.
    • Examples of inappropriate behavior: gaming, messaging, taking pictures or videos, completing work for other classes without permission.

Classroom Rules and Expectations 

Follow ALL policies and procedures as outlined in the student handbook in addition to ALL of the following:


In this class, we will ALL respect each other, our space, and ourselves.

  • Your classmates – Encourage your classmates. Treat others in a manner in which you wish to be treated.
  • Your teacher – Follow directions the FIRST time they are given. Talking back WILL NOT be accepted.
  • Your classroom – You will respect ALL PROPERTY IN THE CLASSROOM any vandalism and/or damage will result in an immediate referral and handles according to CJCPCS student handbook.
  • Yourself – Complete all assignments with your best effort.


  • Be ON TIME and PREPARED for class daily
  • Keep your desk clean and put away all materials after an activity
  • Ask QUESTIONS…Let me know IMMEDIATELY if you do not understand anything we have discussed.
  • Do not make EXCUSES or BLAME others, recognize your successes and work to make improvements. Making mistakes is part of learning. We will work together to correct them.


  • Handbags, purses should be neatly placed under your desk on the floor or on the back of your chair. NO bags of any kind are allowed on your desk or in your lap.
  • DO NOT touch anyone for ANY reason…NO EXCEPTIONS
  • ASK the teacher before leaving the classroom for any reason.

Discipline Actions May Include the following: (Students will be given opportunities to “correct” their behavior)

  • Students will be warned non-verbally and/or verbally of their inappropriate behavior.
  • New seat assignment
  • Student conference
  • Referral and/or student will be sent to counselor or administration
  • Parent contact

Student/Teacher/Parent-Guardian Communication

Almost all assignments will be posted on Google Classroom, including details. Email is the best form of communication and I will reply within 24 hours. ([email protected]

**Google Classroom allows me to add your email address to alerts. If you would like to receive assignment alert emails, please include your email address on the last page of this document (the signing page)**

Syllabus Contract: English Language Arts


Ms. Fox


I, ____________________________________________________________, am aware of the policies of South Amboy Public Schools and in this classroom and agree to abide by each of the policies, procedures, and expectations outlined in this syllabus and those given orally by the teacher.

________________________________________________ _________________

Student signature Date 




I/We, ____________________________________________________________, have reviewed this syllabus and policies of South Amboy Public Schools with my student. I agree to support the teacher and encourage my student to abide by these policies.

________________________________________________ _________________

Guardian Signature Date 

Please fill out both forms of contact below, and then check the best way to reach you:

  • Phone Call: __________________________________________(number)
  • Email:  __________________________________________(email address)